Tag Archives: sewing machine

How to transport your Industrial Sewing Machine

Sewing Machine Anatomy

This is a guide on how to disassemble your industrial sewing machine for moving and how to reassemble it. Saya sepatutnya search dulu dekat Youtube cara-cara untuk memindahkan mesin jahit industri ni. Masa pindah rumah tahun lepas, tukang angkut barang tu terjatuhkan mesin jahit ni dari lori. Ranapppppp hancus dan patah, seperti patahnya hati ini tengok […]

Brand new sewing machine, and I’m lovin it!

I bought this baby on 10th January, 2010 for RM1650. Love how it can sew through many layers of fabric and thick interfacing sandwiched together! :ops: Though it was hard to handle at first… but I’m getting used of it 😉 Spent 1 hour last night, making the lime-green Easy Clutch. I’m not liking the stitches on […]

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